News System - Add,
Edit, or Delete News postings. One of the most important elements of any site.
If you want return visits to your site, give new information.
Links - Add, Edit
or Delete Link postings. This allows you or anyone else to add a link to other
resources. It makes visitors feel at home and you can request them to also
link to your web page.
Coupon Referral System
- Add or Delete special offer(s) anytime you want. Multiple special offers
allowed. Let your existing customers recommend their friends. Reward them
with a special offer. became the largest email service provider
in 18 months using this technique.
Discounts to selected
users - A predefined discount off posted prices can be given to selected
users. The discount is automatically calculated in the shopping cart system.
Discussion or Message
Forum - Add, edit, or delete posted items. Allows anyone to contribute
to a discussion of any topic of your choosing. Gives people a reason to return
to your site.
Manage your Newsletter/Mailing
List - send out an email to everyone on your list easily! This can be
done in plain text or using html code. View the name and email address of
everyone on your list.
User Database:
View or delete users, and send an email to only registered users who have
created an account. Each user can have a defined access level to determine
rights to each individual area of the Staff Administration page.
Product Catalogue.
Add your own photos, descriptions, and prices etc. of products and/or services.
A three level system is now available: Catagory, Subcategory, and individual
Time Based Specials.
Special offers on catalog items or combination of items can be displayed automatically
between user defined dates. The link to the specials will disappear automatically
if there are no items on special at any particular time.
File Upload Utility.
Add images (jpg or gif) or pdf files to reference in the News, Calendar, or
Product Catalog. This file are uploaded directly from your computer.
Static Page Editor.
Your web site can also be set up so that each static page can be user editable,
and links on a particular page can be automatically generated, edited, or
deleted as required.
Secure Shopping Cart
Page. You may elect to have your shopping cart check out on our secure
server. This is recommended if you are collecting sensitive information on
the internet. This information is encrypted so no prying eyes can intercept
and view it. As an option you can also have your own separate secure site
and certificate.