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AuthorTopic:   Classified Ads That Sell
posted June 26, 2001 10:06am
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1. How To Write Classified Ads That Sell

One powerful little classified ad can make you a fortune!
It will sell your product or service for months even
years to come in any advertising venue you choose. On the
other hand a weak ad won't produce enough income to
justify the time it takes you to write and submit it.

So stop wasting your time writing useless weak ads. You can
write powerful ad copy every time if you will follow three
simple rules.

Rule #1 The headline of your ad must catch the reader's
attention instantly. Remember your ad is competing with a
lot of other ads and information for every reader's

Rule #2 The body of your ad must not only hold the reader's
attention it should get the reader excited about your
product or service. You want your visitors eager and ready
buy your product or service before they reach your site.

Rule #3 The ad must target potential customers for your
product or service. What's called a blind ad may draw a lot
of visitors to your site but few will buy and we are
looking for buyers not "tire kickers." Right?

To illustrate just how strong an ad can be when these three
rules are followed I am going to show you two ads written
for the same product. Let's say I have just gotten the
resell rights to a new Ebook about how to write great
classified ads.

This first ad will demonstrate a weak ad for this product
and doesn't follow the three rules for writing powerful

Learn To Write Better Classified Ads!

Great new Ebook "How To Write Ads That Sell" by John Doe.
John is one of the leading authorities on online
advertising today and he can help you write like a pro!

This ad does satisfy the third rule of targeting potential
customers for our product but it fails miserable in all
other aspects. That headline isn't going to grab anybody's
attention. And the body of the ad is not only boring it is
trying to sell the steak instead of selling the sizzle.
People are not interested in your product or service per
se they are only interested in what the product or
service will do for them. How will they benefit from using
your product or service That's the key to writing powerful
ads. You must sell the sizzle not the steak.

Now let's look at an ad for that same Ebook that does
follow our three rules.

Powerful Ads That Will Make You Rich!

You are only minutes away from creating powerful cash
generating ads that will make your hit counter explode and
your sales skyrocket - I Guarantee It ! Goto:(yourURL)

That's much better. This ad follows all three of our rules.
It has an attention grabbing headline. The body of the ad
talks not about the product but the end result of using
the product. And our entire ad targets potential customers
for our product. See the difference?

It's just as easy to write a powerful ad as it is to
write a weak one when you know these three simple little

I wish you all the best in your classified advertising

Author: Bill Daugherty

[edited by cmaxwell on June 26, 2001 11:25am]

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